If you’re looking to sell your home in the near future, Anglia offers the perfect storage solution. Safe, social distancing is maintained at all times.
Here are some tips for selling your house and getting the best price!

Every seller wants to get the maximum sale price within the quickest time. You’ll be competing with other properties on the market so it’s vital you do everything within your power to maximise your chances of a sale.
Some things such as market conditions, location and price bracket admittedly aren’t in your control but the look and feel of your home most definitely IS so here are some selling tips and how anglia self storage can help ;
Maximise space by minimising your things.
This has to start before marketing your property – the agent’s photos are what will entice a buyer to view so the photos MUST look great. This sounds harsh but a potential viewer is not interested in your kid’s toys, photos of your family, or the ‘pile of stuff that’s going on Ebay’ when you get around to it. The buyer must not be distracted by you or your stuff. Create a look that your buyer is aspiring to such as a beautiful, ordered and relaxing lifestyle. Consciously or subconsciously they are seeing how your and their lives compare and they are aspiring to a ‘better life’ when they move. The key to achieving this look is to maximise space and layout in an attractive way.

Space sells – Simple.
EVERYTHING you can live without temporarily should be out of sight, and this is where a storage unit offers the perfect solution. There are two advantages to this…
Financial Benefits and preparation in advance.
You may be thinking, ‘surely storage is going to cost me money!?’
Initially yes, you will need to rent a unit, but longterm this will maximise your chances of a fast sale and potentially your asking price. If your home looks like a show home rather than a hoarder’s den the buyer is less likely to knock you down on price. Your house could look so inviting it may attract more than one buyer – resulting in your asking price being met.
Storage should be seen as an investment, not an expense.
Be prepared in advance
By packing non essential items away into storage you’re already starting your moving process practically and mentally. That means less to do later. Your belongings are safely waiting to be put into your next home, you’ll be avoiding last minute packing, chaos and stress.
In Summary
Store items that you can live without until after the move to create more space.
Create an aspirational style in your home that will entice prospective buyers.
Show each room and how it can be used to its full potential – and ensure it’s what your buyer would be expecting.
Sit back and look forward to selling for the maximum price possible and settling into your new home!
Anglia Self Storage offer a variety of size storage units in central Lincoln, secure, well lit and covered with great vehicle access 24/7.